Recovery Books
"12+2 Steps Young People in Recovery"
I have my first book "12+2 Steps Young People in Recovery" written for young people ages 12-30.
This workbook comes after 35 years of recovery and working with teens committed to change their addictive and other problematic behavior. It guides participants through a series of steps already proven to work to help people change their lives. As (you) do the work you may feel many things you have not felt for a long time. It takes dedication and a desire to change for these principles to work for you. You are the magic in this process.
The book looks at the traditional 12 steps from AA and I’ve added some new language to better fit the needs and reality of young people seeking recovery. I added a chapter on challenging and changing negative core beliefs to help young people rethink how they look at themselves. The last chapter deals with saying goodbye to the pain of lost relationships. The relationships may be dead or divorced parents or to a lifestyle, chemicals or behaviors that no longer work for the person.
Available on Amazon - "12+2 Steps Young People in Recovery"
Available on Barnes & Noble Booksellers - "12+2 Steps Young People in Recovery"
Available on AbeBooks - "12+2 Steps Young People in Recovery"

"Being Smoke-Free is Your Choice"
My second book titled "Being Smoke-Free is Your Choice" Is a report of action taken my myself and then thousands of others since 1979. The book identifies specific steps to take, while the user continues to use nicotine. The purpose is to aid the user in keeping their focus on seeing, affirming, redirecting thought field energy into the future vs affirming the anxiety prone thoughts of the pain they have associated with stopping.
Goal setting is discussed so the one wanting to stop smoking and stay stopped has a goal to focus on. Visual imagery, breath work, taking conscious of one's thoughts, are mastery disciplines practiced until the actual quit day arrives.
Available on Amazon - "Being Smoke-Free is Your Choice"
Available on Barnes & Noble Booksellers - "Being Smoke-Free is Your Choice"
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